A symphony of white lilies to nourish feminine qualities of soul
- For women and men of all ages – a baseline remedy to cultivate grace and receptive soul consciousness
- To nurture and heal the soul’s relationship with the mother, grandmother or the feminine archetype in community and culture
- For regeneration from all reproductive and gynecological-related illnesses or surgeries — can also be added to Self-Heal Cream™ and massaged into key body areas (however, do not apply directly to open wounds); use in alternation or tandem with Magenta Self-Healer™ for foundational life-force healing
- For rape, sexual abuse, sexual slavery or related trauma involving the degradation or exploitation of feminine values; to restore grace, dignity and essential self-worth in the feminine identity; entry-level formula for rape crisis or domestic violence centers, in tandem or alternation with Post-Trauma Stabilizer™ and/or Five-Flower Formula™
- For all biological, cultural and spiritual milestones involving the feminine body and soul — including onset of Menstruation, Marriage, Motherhood, Menopause and Wisdom Elder
- For relief work or natural disaster in which the Mother Matrix of the feminine is destroyed or damaged: including loss of one’s mother, family network or home, destruction of the earth, militarism and occupation by force, rape and subjugation; alternate or use in tandem with Post-Trauma Stabilizer™ and/or Yarrow Environmental Solution™
- Star of Bethlehem – The ability to re-claim and re-member one’s divine origin despite trauma, surgery, abuse or loss; the soothing “Mother Star” of the soul that restores and replenishes
- White Trumpet Lily – Integration of sexuality and spirituality as a force of wholeness in the soul according to each individual’s life path; healing trauma, abuse or degraded sexual experience which depletes dignity and integrity in the soul; the archetype of Virgin as a pure soul quality of the Divine Feminine
- Mariposa Lily – The warm, nurturing presence of the Mother; the healing of wounds related to one’s mother or family of origin, or one’s own mothering abilities; the maternal feminine as a positive force in the soul
- Splendid Mariposa Lily – The Mother of the World; the capacity to see all members of the human race as having one Mother; healing trauma related to race, religion, nation, class, ecological disaster or warfare; transcendent forces of feminine mercy and grace for healing miasmic or culturally based disease and illness
- Star Tulip – Sensitive attunement and receptivity; capacity to express the softer “anima” side of the feminine soul; ability to listen at profound levels – remembering dreams, prayer and meditation; creation of a chalice-like vessel in the human soul
- Shasta Lily – Unique and dynamic expression of the feminine in one’s individuality; ability to lead with the feminine in the outer world without wearing a masculine mask that is false; luminous and creative feminine force
- Fawn Lily – Incarnating the highest spiritual levels of the feminine into the family, community and world; counteracting the tendency to withdraw or retreat (become ice) in order to preserve one’s essential feminine purity and delicacy; spiritual vitality and flowing warmth
- Desert Lily – The ability to champion beauty, artistry and feminine grace in the world despite encroaching technology and urbanization; alchemical “water” forces of the feminine that counteract unbalanced expressions of fire and heat (firearms and warfare, technology, global warming, electric pollution, etc.); rejuvenation and rebirth through feminine water alchemy
- Essential Oil: Rose attar